Treuhand & Steuern

Tax return

Die Falck Group offers comprehensive tax services. Our experienced tax experts advise and support both legal entities and individuals in the error-free submission of tax returns to the tax authorities. Let us provide you with professional advice.

Soon the tax returns from the tax authorities will be fluttering through our letterboxes again - together with the request to submit the tax return by the deadline. But we all know the feeling that we would rather spend our precious time doing something else than filling in the tax return.

This is exactly where we are happy to support you. Let us prepare your tax return and we will also advise you on possible optimisations.

Our prices are customised according to the work involved.

Option 1

Tax Check-up

You prepare the tax return independently. The Falck Group then checks the declaration for completeness and assesses it for tax optimisation potential (also with regard to future tax periods).

Option 2

All-round package

We prepare the entire tax return based on the documents and information you provide. All possible deductions are claimed. The potential for tax optimisation (including future tax optimisation) is identified during a consultation.

Option 3

Tax representation

Would you like to take even more of the burden of tax administration off your shoulders? In addition to tax declarations, we are happy to take on all tax-related representation by handling all communication with the tax authorities directly through our representative. This ensures, for example, that deadlines are met even if you are absent for an extended period. We can also proactively coordinate any actions required under tax law directly with the tax authorities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to have my tax return completed?

We charge the costs for completing or checking the tax return individually according to the effort involved.

The deadlines for submitting tax returns vary depending on the canton. In the canton of Lucerne, for example, the tax return for natural persons must be submitted by March 31st. However, the deadline can easily be extended online until August 31st. The situation is similar in other cantons. It is important that an extension is requested immediately after receiving the tax return.

We check the tax return you have prepared for accuracy and completeness (have all income items and all possible tax deductions been claimed?). We also discuss tax optimization options with you, especially with regard to the current year or future tax periods.

The exact requirements may vary depending on the canton and individual situation, but in general the following documents must be submitted with the tax return:

Proof of income: Dies umfasst bspw. Lohnausweise, Aufstellungen über selbständiges Erwerbseinkommen oder Jahresrechnung, Rentenbescheinigungen, Steuerverzeichnisse (Aufstellung über Zins- und Dividendeneinkünfte).

Receipts for deductions: Bescheinigung über bezahlte Vorsorgebeiträge (Säule 3a), Aufstellung über gemeinnützige Zuwendungen, Aufstellung über Parteibeiträge, gegebenenfalls Schuldzinsnachweise.

Evidence of assets and liabilities: Dies kann die Bescheinigung von Bankkonten, Wertpapierdepots, Hypotheken, Darlehen oder Rückkaufswerten von Lebensversicherungen umfassen.

Other relevant documents: Je nach individueller Situation können auch andere Dokumente erforderlich sein, wie z. B. Belege für Alimentenzahlungen, Kinderbetreuungskosten, Studiennachweis der Kinder oder andere spezielle Abzüge.

Your contact

Christian Käppeli
041 418 54 50